- Go here and fill out the form to sign up for the Jr Level 1 Push program.
- Go here to join NAR.
- Go here to purchase the discounted 2.6" DX3 kit from Madcow Rocketry.
- While waiting for your kit to be delivered, begin looking over the NAR Jr Level 1 Exam Study Guide.
- Obtain the necessary tools for assembling your rocket: wood glue, a hobby knife, masking tape, sandpaper, and coffee stir sticks or skewers.
- After recieving your kit and the other needed items, assemble your DX3 according to these detailed instructions.
- Print and fill out the NAR Jr Level 1 form.
- Bring your assembled rocket and completed form to a ROC launch event, see here for directions. If you're not near ROC, find your local NAR club here and contact them for help.
- At the launch, bring your rocket and form to the certification desk, where an adult mentor will administer your exam and assist you with your certification launch. If you're successful, they will sign off your form.
- Email your completed NAR Jr Level 1 form to the address at the bottom, and NAR will mail you your updated membership card.
- Check out some more kits from Madcow Rocketry that you can build and bring to any monthy ROC launch.